PAWSHert Logo
PAWS of Hertford County on Facebook

LOCATION: 231 Mt. Moriah Rd., Winton, NC 27986 
PO Box 153, Murfreesboro, NC 27855

PHONE: (252) 642-7297


Adoptable Dogs
Adoptable Cats



PAWS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, volunteer-run dog and cat rescue.

Our Mission
Bringing hearts together to provide animal welfare and security.

Our Vision

A community where responsible actions result in fewer homeless dogs and cats. 

       Dog Adoption Icon               Cat Adoption Icon               Donate Icon       

PAWS Officers and Board Members - all volunteers:

JoAnn Jones
Director of Feline Programs and Adoptions
Director of Community Dog and Cat Spay/Neuter Program

Jennifer Cates
Director of Canine Program and Adoptions
Kelsey Fadness
Director of Public Relations, Marketing & Fundraising
Secretary (Interim)
Treasurer (Interim)


Thank you to our 2024 Annual Sponsors!

Leader of the Pack Sponsor 

PAWS 2023 Annual Sponsor Logo - Hoist & Crane LLC

Guardian Angel Sponsors

Loyal Companion Sponsors

  PAWS 2023 Annual Sponsor Logo - Culpepper Law Office

Paw Print Sponsors

Gates County Animal Clinic   Murfreesboro Farms
Godwin's Country Meats  Tamz Guns & Ammo

In-Kind Sponsors

   PAWS 2023 Annual Sponsor Logo - Johnson McLean & Co       PAWS 2023 Annual Sponsor Logo - Chowan University   

Clock for Hours Tracker PAWS Volunteer Hours Tracker

PAWS Adoption Events:

Carol Lang  In Memory of Carol Lang
On April 18th, we had to say goodbye to one of our long-time volunteers and dear friend, Carol Lang. As a charter member of PAWS, helping found the rescue in 2006, she had a heart of gold, always thinking of others first and a dedication for helping animals. In 2009, she created our Community Spay/Neuter Program and would continue to serve on our Board as the Director of the program until her passing. Through the program, and her attendance at all of our community events, she helped thousands of families and their animals. She was particularly fond of cats, but loved all animals. She also pet sat for others in the community for several years.

Carol will be remembered by all as gentle, kind, and loving, and someone who was always positive. She will be greatly missed by all of us at PAWS. We send our deepest condolences to all those that knew Carol, her family and friends.

If you would like to make a donation in memory of Carol, you can donate online here, or mail a check that is made out to PAWS of Hertford County to PO Box 153, Murfreesboro, NC 27855.


Ginger with text on Kuranda

S Barn Buddies have their own flyer. 

Highlighted Animals
See all the animals!
  Katie Grace
Katie Grace is as sweet as orange marmalade and will come up to greet most people with her big beautiful orb eyes. (Being a cat, Katie Grace reserves the right to not greet everyone.) Katie Grace is good with other cats and kittens as she has helped her foster-mom host many of them during her stay with PAWS. She enjoys sitting in her foster's lap for some loving and gentle scratches on her head from those passing by. Katie Grace just had a checkup her senior bloodwork done. This girl more about Katie Grace
Tessa still has plenty of pep in her step and loves going for walks. She's also content to sniff around the yard with her hound friends but would also be okay as an only dog. She is a pretty laid back gal but can be quitw vocal when treats are involved. This girl certainly has no problem singing for her supper! She does need to lose some weight and would love a family willing to help her shed some pounds. Tessa is a great girl and will make a wonderful companion! See what Tessa thought more about Tessa



Be the person who makes a difference to a dog who loves life and his/her toys - watch this cute video by clicking here.


How You Can Help

  • Join PAWS as either an Active Member, Student Member, or Friends of PAWS.  Please contact us or attend the next PAWS meeting and fill out a membership form.
  • Volunteer at the shelter.  Shelter volunteers are needed for assistance with cleaning and caring for dogs and cats. Volunteers are also needed just to socialize and play with the dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens.  Please call the PAWS number or email us for more information.
  • Volunteer to foster dogs, puppies, cats, or kittens in your home.  Foster homes are sometimes needed for animals with special situations or needs.  Please call the PAWS number or email us to set up a meeting to apply as a foster home.
  • Donate food, cat litter and other items. Please click on "Donation Info" on the sidebar to see our wish list.
  • Monetary donations can be made online by clicking on the PayPal icon below, given to any PAWS member, mailed to our address, or left in the numerous donation containers in businesses around Hertford County. 




 Noi Allen

PAWS Kitty Noi adopted summer 2011.




PAWS is a 501c3 charitable non-profit organization. All donations to PAWS are tax deductable. 


If you believe that the work we do is important, we invite you to join in and help us make Hertford County a better place for all of God's creatures. 

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" . . . .Gandhi